Manufacturing Varies Kinds Of Valves

Manufacturing Varies Kinds Of Valves

Introduction to gas safety valve

2022. február 15. - ldvalve

The gas safety valve plays the role of safety protection in the system. When the system pressure exceeds the specified value, the safety valve is opened, and all the gas in the system is discharged into the air, so that the system pressure does not exceed the allowable value. The means is that the system does not cause an accident due to excessive pressure.

The gas safety valve is commonly known as the overflow valve. The nominal pressure of the gas safety valve is determined by the operating pressure, and the scope of application measurement is also determined by the operating pressure. The constant pressure range of the spring or lever is determined by the constant pressure value of the safety valve to be entered, and then the material and structure of the gas safety valve are determined according to the use medium, and then the throat diameter of  brass gate valves the gas safety valve is determined according to the gas safety valve leakage. Notes on safety valve selection

1. Gas safety valves with handles that are not opened are mostly used on hot water boilers. 2. The full-open safety valve with handle is not opened and is normally used in steam boilers or steam ballistics. 3. There is no compressible medium for solids such as water, normally open the micro-opening safety valve. 4. The low-pressure feedwater normally uses a full-open safety valve, similar to: low-pressure feedwater heater and heat exchanger. 5. The static-weight safety valve is normally used in E-class steam boilers. 6. The insurance heating valve is used on the liquid-phase heating trajectory at the inlet of the tank pump of the weathered gas station oil and gas station. 7. For vessels with stable back pressure and toxic and explosive or pipeline systems, the normal use of ripples must be dangerous. 8. Negative pressure or vacuum negative pressure safety valve for normal systems that may generate negative pressure during operation. 9. Large-diameter, large-displacement and low-pressure systems are normally used for pulse-type safety valves, such as temperature reduction and pressure reduction installations, power station boilers, etc.

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